Marriage System of the Khaklu of Noatia Tribe

Noatia is one of the 19 tribes of Tripura. There are a number of groups under the Noatia tribe, namely, Garjan, Gaigra, Tongbai, Kewa, Aslong, Laitong, Khalisa, Khaklu, Anakiya, Gabin, Phadong, Deindak, Harbang and Murasing. In population Khaklu may occupy the second position among the various groups of Noatia tribe. At present, many Noatia have preferred to identify themselves as Tripura. For this reason, the population of Noatia has been decreasing in successive censuses.

The Hindu Marriage Tradition in Assam:Change and Continuity

Birth, marriage and death are the three pillars of human life and existence. Of these, marriage is a social convention. In the Indian context, marriage has a religious and cultural background associated with it. The Hindus of Assam too have, since ancient times, regarded marriage as an essential responsibility. Therefore it has a distinct tradition of its own and a gamut of customs and rites are intertwined with the ceremony of  marriage.

Tribal Studies: Search for the Common Thread of Unity

The micro data of different communities of India –its castes and tribes – if put together and viewed in macro frame-work often leads us to the threads of unity. The apparent diversity, the cultural plurality gives way to commonality of cultural elements, our cultural continuum. Our approach brings a lot of difference – the approach whether we want to emphasize the diversity or intend to search the basic materials of culture, the permutation and combination of which make the difference.

Underlying Bond of Unity: Some Aspects of the Rabhas and the Garos

Rabhas are one of the largest communities of northeast India and spread throughout Assam, Meghalaya and West Bengal and also some parts of Bangladesh. Claimed themselves as origin from Tibeto-Burman linguistics stocks, the Rabhas inherited one of the richest socio-cultural trends. They are sub-divided into Rongdani, Pati, Maitori, Bilotia, Hana, Chunga, Totla, Dahori etc.

Nyoyin-Nyokum- A Nyishi Custom of Worshipping Nature

Before an attempt is made on the concept of Nyishi custom of worshipping nature through puja or festivals like Nyoyin-Nyokum; it is necessary to focus on the religious belief of the Nishing (Nyishi). The Nyishi, who dwell in nature, believe in numerous Uyus (deities). This belief centres on spirits or deities of nature. All the performances of customary rites of Nyishi more or less relate to natural objects in Siichii and Nyedo i.e. earth and sky.

In search of sustainable DEVELOPMENT

North-East has all the potentialities to strive and achieve development. When the desire and dynamics of the youth of North east India is for development, it is necessary that the meaning of sustainable development is looked into. Development is required but it cannot be at the cost of peace and happiness and at the cost of family and community bonds. Today at what point the ‘developed’ countries are is also to be evaluated.